Study lesson as a permanent training proposal for teachers: Implications for teaching attitudes

Implicaciones sobre las actitudes docentes


  • Noemí Peña Trapero Spain



Qualitative Research, Action Research, Observation, Student Attitudes, Teaching Methods.


This article aims to analyze the Lesson Studies as a cyclical and permanent training strategy (throughout the teacher's life) that enables the reconstruction of practical knowledge (set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values ??and emotions that condition the interpretation of reality and teacher decision-making) through two key processes (theorizing of practice and experimentation of theory), delving into one of its dimensions: teaching attitudes. Starting from a qualitative and phenomenological case study that draws on both the interviews with a teacher and the knowledge derived from the observation of the action in the classroom, we have found a series of findings that demonstrate the potential of the Lesson Study in relation to two fundamental axes of teaching (content and methods). In this way, the results demonstrate how the experience of the Lesson Study has allowed us to rethink the thinking and action of an Early Childhood education teacher.


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How to Cite

Peña Trapero, N. (2021). Study lesson as a permanent training proposal for teachers: Implications for teaching attitudes: Implicaciones sobre las actitudes docentes. International Journal of New Education, (5), 133–145.

