Recognition of Permanent Disability after Early Retirement Due to Disability

STC 172/2021 of October 7




Disability, discrimination, permanent disability, early retirement


The comment on the doctrine emanating from the Constitutional Court is addressed in STC 172/2021 of October 7, 2021 that revokes the one maintained by the Supreme Court that made it impossible to access Permanent Disability to people with disabilities who retired early ex art. 206.2 of the General Law of Social Security. The recognition of the great invalidity due to violation of article 14 CE derived —maintains the appellant— of a discriminatory interpretation of the norm in the seat of appeal and cassation is demanded in protection. Both the merits of the matter and the procedural interim invite analysis from the perspective of relational justice, for which we analyze the gaps in justice that occur in the dimensions of reciprocity (facts), institutionality (legality) and sociality (context).


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Author Biography

José Antonio Rueda Monroy, Universidad de Málaga

Investigador postdoctoral contratado


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How to Cite

Rueda Monroy, J. A. (2022). Recognition of Permanent Disability after Early Retirement Due to Disability : STC 172/2021 of October 7. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (4), 338–349.



Estudios jurisprudenciales