Prohibition of concurrence and ultra-active validity of collective agreements




collective agreement, prohibition of competition, validity, ultraactivity


The reform of collective bargaining, introduced by Royal Decree-Law 32/2021, of 28 December, in the area of the prohibition of concurrence and ultra-activity of collective agreements, determines a renewed interest in a classic interpretative question, the validity of this prohibition during the ultra-activity phase of a collective agreement. For this reason, the Supreme Court’s doctrine on the subject is analysed, not only the general criterion echoed in the STS of 5 October 2021, but also the doctrine of the impermeability of the bargaining unit during the ultraactivity of the collective agreement, for the purposes of proposing a jurisprudential doctrine, in accordance with the characteristics of the new legal model for the organisation of collective bargaining, following RDL 32/2021. The complexity and transcendence of the issue make it advisable to propose a judicial doctrine with nuances in its interpretation of articles 84.1 LET and 86.3 LET.


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Author Biography

Carmen Sáez Lara, Universidad de Córdoba

Catedrática de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social


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How to Cite

Sáez Lara, C. (2022). Prohibition of concurrence and ultra-active validity of collective agreements. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (5), 263–274.



Estudios jurisprudenciales