The lenguage of the soul

Hilma Af Klint as a pioneer of abstraction




Esotericism, Spirits, Women Artists, Series, Theosophy


Although the works of the Swedish painter Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) have gone unnoticed during her lifetime and for part of the present, in recent decades her figure has experienced a resurgence, being the subject of exhibitions and studies that recognise her as a pioneer of abstract art. We will discuss her figure to clarify why, despite having created abstract works prior to 1910, it is not the Swedish artist who bears the title of pioneer of abstraction, this merit falling to the Russian painter Vasili Kandinsky (1866-1944). His pictorial work developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Af Klint was an artist who challenged the conventions of her time by fusing art with spirituality, so the importance of esotericism in her work will be analysed, as well as the importance of esotericism in contemporary and earlier manifestations. His relationship with and membership of the spiritualist group Las Cinco (De Fem) will be of special interest. During his membership of this group, he was commissioned to produce his best-known pictorial series, the Temple Paintings, a collection comprising more than 190 works created from 1906 to the present day.


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How to Cite

Pérez Navarrete, O. (2024). The lenguage of the soul: Hilma Af Klint as a pioneer of abstraction. Eviterna Journal, (15), 51–67.