Pavel Filonov versus Pablo Ruiz Picasso


  • Antonia Miguel Fernández Universidad de Málaga Spain



Filonov; Russian vanguarde; Picasso; Painting; Analytic art; Portrait


Although the title of the article seems to allude to the opposition between the two artists, the analysis of their lives and work shows that, even though their figures are largely opposed, they also possess characteristics that unite them. However, given the limits of the present work, we are only going to dwell on three issues: their firm, their relationship with women and family portraits. It doesn´t seem to be appropriate to deal with the question in the light of the importance which the social position or their eastern or western origin possess in the artistic production of one or the other, by an issue in which all the studious of Filónov 's work agree: his work is so utterly extraordinary and original that it finds itself on the margins not only of the western vanguards, but of the Russian ones. He is a unique artist, who created a unique style, "analytical art", and a school of his own and, therefore, unparalleled with no other.




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How to Cite

Miguel Fernández, A. (2020). Pavel Filonov versus Pablo Ruiz Picasso. Eviterna Journal, 1(1), 67–73.