Urban geography and quinqui cinema. Subjectification around the city in Navajeros, of Eloy de la Iglesia


  • Miguel Vega Manrique Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain




urbanism; quinqui cinema; postfranchism; postmodernity


The main point of this essay revolves around two axes: the representation of the quinqui subjectivities in the escopic regime of the Navajeros film, by Eloy de la Iglesia, and the approach to the urbanization policies of postfranchism as the enfine of demographic changes in cities and as a conditioning practice of human behavior in today’s society. For this, a film like Navajeros is so interesting both for the staging of violence in the urban enviroment of Madrid and for the relationship it establishes between different architectures and geographical spaces of the city.


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How to Cite

Vega Manrique, M. (2020). Urban geography and quinqui cinema. Subjectification around the city in Navajeros, of Eloy de la Iglesia. Eviterna Journal, (6), 54–64. https://doi.org/10.24310/Eviternare.v0i6.8052