The body in Visual Culture through the video clip Fuego de Vetusta Morla


  • Carmen Flores Hurtado Universidad de Málaga Spain



Music video; Visual culture; Body; Artistic discipline; Hibridation; Vetusta Morla


The music video is one of the most powerful media in the Visual culture. His relationship with other arts leads him to be formed as a form of hybrid expression, where cinematographics aspects, sound and light play a fundamental role. The body, as one of the key elements in the Art History, will take a great role in the audiovisual world, becoming the main protagonist, in many cases, of a multitude of disciplines and forms of artistic expression. Through the video Fuego of the group Vetusta Morla will be able to study different aspects of the relationship between the body and Visual culture.




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Videoclip deFuego: <> (Fecha de consulta: 20-06-2018).



How to Cite

Flores Hurtado, C. (2020). The body in Visual Culture through the video clip Fuego de Vetusta Morla. Eviterna Journal, (5), 48–58.