Andy Warhol [Absences]


  • Ramón Melero Guirado Museo Picasso Málaga



Andy Warhol; Pop Art; monochrome; image; polyptychs; silver painting


It is paradoxical that Andy Warhol, one of the artists after the middle XX century who has pay more attention to the images power, painted a large group of monochrome canvases. This article offers an interpretation of these singular works and their compositions in polyptychs, starting from the paradigmatic "Before and after" (1962) and focusing on the series realized between 1963 and 1964 with silver painting. To that end, we take as reference the artist's own reflections about the concepts of beauty and her own image.




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How to Cite

Melero Guirado, R. (2020). Andy Warhol [Absences]. Eviterna Journal, (5), 74–85.