The brothers of the brotherhoods of Jesus the Nazarene in the kingdom of Murcia in the mid-seventeenth century


  • Federico Maestre de San Juan Pelegrín Real Academia Alfonso X el Sabio Spain
  • Vicente Montojo Montojo Real Academia Alfonso X el Sabio Spain



Modern History; Art History; Social History; Devotionals Confraternities; Penitentials brotherhoods; Spain History


 Research on the components of the brotherhoods of Jesus Nazarene in Cartagena and Murcia has shown that until the end of the seventeenth century they were craftsmen and since the end of the same were traders and merchants, as well as craftsmen, or as early as the eighteenth century noblemen were added. This evolution was manifested in the fact that in an early period the artistic achievements of the artisans were scarce, while the incorporation of merchants and merchants led to the enlargement and decoration of chapels and even the incorporation of valuable images, but the greatest achievements were obtained in the middle of the XVIII, with the incorporation of retablos and sculptures or steps of sets of images, among which the sculptor Francisco Salzillo..




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How to Cite

Maestre de San Juan Pelegrín, F., & Montojo Montojo, V. (2020). The brothers of the brotherhoods of Jesus the Nazarene in the kingdom of Murcia in the mid-seventeenth century. Eviterna Journal, (2), 67–81.