Esotericism in the work of the Chilean artist Germán Mourgues B.


  • Esaú Mourgues Agrupación Cultural Germán Mourgues Bernard Chile



Germán Mourgues, painting, hermeneutics, symbols, alchemy


The artist Germán Mourgues B., due to the socio-political circumstances that Chile lived from 1973 develops his work to the margin of the official circuits of the art. To create, away from currents, fashions or styles, an interesting work that has not been sufficiently relieved in the country yet. He tried — transversely — the rescue of the vernacular culture, taking legends, myths and local iconographic expressions and investigating what exist of universal in them. These topics cross, in its work, with those of the gnostic, the esoteric and the alchemy. Making use of different ways of expression he creates a work very rich in content and deep originality. In this work is analyzed, from the symbols, his pictorial work created in the last decade of his life (one of his least well-known facets), making possible through it the access to his personal world view.




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How to Cite

Mourgues, E. (2020). Esotericism in the work of the Chilean artist Germán Mourgues B. Eviterna Journal, (3), 91–104.