The pixel revolution. Art and video games in a digital world


  • Agnés García Oltra Universidad de Valencia Spain



Videogames; Concept Art; Digital Painting; Pixel; Illustration; The Legend of Zelda


Nowadays, the intervention and importance of art in videogames has been (and is) an artistic revolution. We have moved from the interaction to the illustrative action of the scenes and characters, from the pixel to the vector or vice versa, arriving to the creation through the digital tool that has been a great rebellion in all the words in art and also in the History of Art. Therefore, the present study aims to bring the current digital art used in videogames as new artistic productions in a brief and concise manner.


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How to Cite

García Oltra, A. (2020). The pixel revolution. Art and video games in a digital world. Eviterna Journal, (7), 88–102.