The first dressmakers in the Royal Wardrobe of Queen María Luisa de Parma (1789-1808)




SS. XVIII-XIX, María Luisa de Parma, Fashion history, dressmaker, dresses


In this article we have proceeded to the study of the different dressmakers at the service of Queen Maria Luisa de Parma. One of the factors that will have great importance in the Royal Wardrobe of the sovereign is the insertion of the first dressmakers, who not only made dresses but also textile accessories such as belts, clothes, bands, bags, etc. This series of creators not only made dresses for the sovereign, but are suppliers of garments and fabrics for the royal family. Among the most relevant dressmakers we find Rose Bertin, being a dressmaker for Queen Marie Antoinette and Maria Luisa, in addition to Maria Moulinier and Darguins, Ana Launay and the first male dressmaker, Joseph Martin, who first seized the queen and later court dresses. Through the work of the unpublished documentation consulted in the archives, we know that the work of the dressmakers is no longer carried out in anonymity, but that their work begins to be valued as a creation that reveals great inventiveness and mathematical knowledge, geometry and sewing. From the 19th century on, the figure of dressmaker will be fully established as one of the most important trades in the textile industry.


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How to Cite

Antúnez López, S. (2020). The first dressmakers in the Royal Wardrobe of Queen María Luisa de Parma (1789-1808). Eviterna Journal, (8), 1–12.