Configuration of the image of Maria Magdalena in antiquity and the Middle Ages


  • Julio Morales Folguera Universidad de Malaga Spain



Maria Magdalena, Canonical gospels, Gnostic gospels, Apostolorum apostola, unity theory


Throughout this article we propose to approach the figure of María Magdalena through the different literary sources and their impact on the iconography. She, disciple of Jesus, witness of his teaching and of his life, was the first person who had the news of his resurrection and the communication to the disciples. This woman has been the object of admiration, but also of controversy throughout the centuries. Her name is not limited to a male, it does not bear the surname of her father or her husband, but that of the city of Magdala. It is nicknamed a place-name, which is the place of origin, on the north-western shore of Lake Tiberias in the Galilee region, from where he had followed Jesus. The history of Christianity changed her into one of the most popular characters, being a source of inspiration for numerous painters and sculptors; legends, fables, poetry, novels, plays, and essays have been made about her. It can be said that each age has created its Magdalena according to its needs and interests. Ideas and legends have been added to the original figure of Magdalena as a follower of Christ that came to shape her mythical image. The images change, but they are important to identify concepts and this has happened with the different images of Mary Magdalene throughout Antiquity, the Middle Ages and following times.


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How to Cite

Morales Folguera , J. . (2020). Configuration of the image of Maria Magdalena in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Eviterna Journal, (4), 50–61.