Holography as an educational resource for the teaching geometry content in primary school
primary education, geometry, photography, student projects, STEM educationAbstract
In this article we propose to analyse the uses and benefits of working with holograms as educational resource, as evidenced by the studies of Ghuloum, Escriva, and Orcos. These didactic proposals reinforce the idea that the use of the three-dimensional rendering technique can benefit students in the acquisition of the geometric content present in the official curriculum. The scope of the geometry offers a wide range of contents that make it possible to work using graphical rendering techniques. It should be noted, on the other hand, that now elementary school students are socialized in the access and use of images of all kinds, without a doubt their visual thinking is more evolved than that of previous generations, as shown by authors such as Brea, Steiner, Gruzinsky or Mitchell. With the management of both teachers and students, 3D design programs and the use of Pepper's Ghost holographic technique, realistic images of volume figures are obtained and that elementary school students are particularly interested in it. Based on an observational methodology, we have been able to compare with some students who, when working with these resources, greatly improve their mastery of geometric shapes and the concepts that accompany them.
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