“You know how strange they talk up there, but yo can understand what they’re saynig”:1 Rulfo’s generative grammar





Mexican narrative;, Rulfo;, speech;, Generative Grammar;, Tilcuatazo


The relationship between Rulfo’s writing and the rural speech of Jalisco has been extensively studied by critics; and it has often been noted that Rulfo’s peasants do not speak like their real models; that is, that Rulfo’s characters speak a fictionalized language. What has been scarcely explored is the generative capacity that it displays in the mouths of the characters. Terms such as “apalcuachar”, “arrejolar” and “tilcuatazo” are true creations as they do not appear in dictionaries, despite which the reader can almost naturally understand their meanings. In this paper I explore the phenomenon of the generation of these terms and the consequent understanding of the reader, based on the notion of “generative grammar”.


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Author Biography

Noé Blancas Blancas, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Doctor en Ciencias del Lenguaje por la BUAP. Ha publicado La escritura circular y concéntrica en El Apando, de José Revueltas (BUAP, 2014); Pedro Páramo, novela aural (BUAP, 2015); La escritura por venir: aproximaciones desde la Universidad (coord.) (Edere/BUAP, 2014); La esencia del amor (coord.) (UPAEP/Tirant Le Blanch, 2017). También, artúculos sobre Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora, Inés Arredondo, Josefina Vicens, Antonio Castro Leal, Agustín Yáñez.


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HARSS, LUIS (2003). “Juan Rulfo o la pena sin nombre”. En CAMPBELL, FEDERICO, La ficción de la memoria. Juan Rulfo ante la crítica. México: UNAM/Era, pp. 61-88; originalmente, en HARRS, LUIS, Los nuestros, Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1966.
LACKENDOFF, RAY, “The representational structures of the language faculty and their interactions”, en BROWN, COLIN M. y HAGOORT, PETER (Eds.), The neurocognition of language, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
RULFO, JUAN, El Llano en llamas, edición crítica de Carlos Blanco Aguinaga, Madrid: Cátedra, 2001, 13ª ed.
RULFO, JUAN, El Llano en llamas, edición crítica de Francoise Perus, Madrid: Cátedra, 2017, 4ª ed.
RULFO, JUAN, Pedro Páramo, ed. de José Carlos González Boixo, Madrid: Cátedra, 2017, 30ª ed.
RULFO, JUAN, Pedro Páramo, traducción de Margaret Sayers Peden, New York: Grove Press, 1994.
RULFO, JUAN, Toda la obra, ed. crítica de Claude Fell, México: Conaculta (Colección Archivos 17), 1992.
SANDOVAL GODOY, LUIS, Modos de hablar en Jalisco, México: Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco, 2004.
SANTAMARÍA, FRANCISCO J., Diccionario de Mejicanismos, México: Porrúa, 1959.



How to Cite

Blancas Blancas, N. (2022). “You know how strange they talk up there, but yo can understand what they’re saynig”:1 Rulfo’s generative grammar. Metafísica Y Persona, (28), 123–136. https://doi.org/10.24310/Metyper.2012.vi28.14421


