The Truth about Poverty and Wealth: Reflections on the Centrality of the Natural Family in Economics and Politics




Wealth, Poverty, Money, Natural Family, Love, Truth.


The following article explores the importance of distinguishing between spiritual and material poverty and wealth, as well as its relationship with the natural family. In one hand, poverty of spirit means accepting the foreseeing of God, having a strong impact in the interior life of the human person. Wealth (or richness) of spirit, in the other, means the infinite power of true love and joyfulness. The unavoidable relationship between the spiritual and the material realms is always achieved by personal liberty. Depending on the manner of using the goods, an economically rich person can be spiritually poor, and an economically poor person may be spiritually rich. Therefore, to be materially poor or rich depends mainly on true knowledge on oneself. In that sense, the person who understands the true meaning of poverty, richness, truthful knowledge, as well as its translation into human work, is able to achieve the common good and to enjoy a happy life. The huge financial problem of our days is a direct consequence of the misunderstanding of these concepts, having a great negative impact in the natural family.


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How to Cite

Alvira Domínguez, R., & Hurtado Domínguez, R. (2018). The Truth about Poverty and Wealth: Reflections on the Centrality of the Natural Family in Economics and Politics. Metafísica Y Persona, (18).


