Pascal and Kierkegaard. The Logic of the Heart and Faith as Passion




heart, reason, faith, God.


In the history of the philosohy, there are several philosophers who, after walking along the paths of rationality, decided to abandon it, understanding that the truth reveals not under the categories of certitude, but under the guidance of the heart, a peculiar feeling, which in the most difficult moments helps man to find the right way to orientate himself in his existence. Among these philosophers, we are interested in Pascal and Kierkegaard because both of them, in different contexts, chose what we call Philosophia Cordis and both fight against the limits that reason imposes on the knowledge and against the objective idea of God, trying to rescue the truth mediated by the “logic of the heart”. From this point, in this article we are going to emphasize the importance of the heart for both philosophers in order to understand the meaning of faith and the relationship with God, showing how, in a way, Kierkegaard continues the project of Pascal, trying to make us aware that an authentic life cannot be lived in an objective way, but in a subjective one, being chosen by the person; a life assumed and lived with faith.


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How to Cite

Dobre, C. E. (2018). Pascal and Kierkegaard. The Logic of the Heart and Faith as Passion. Metafísica Y Persona, (18).


