Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Ethical Personalism: the Bildung and its Importance for the Realization of the Community




Friedrich Schleiermacher, Bildung, community, person, subjectivity.


Considering that Friedrich Schleiermacher coined the term personalism, we propose to demonstrate that this personalism could not be understood without the concepts: Bildung, per-son, humanity and community that represent the base of the thought of the German philosopher and theologian. We will argue that it is impossible to think about the topic of the community without the posibility of the human person of choosing the process of internal formation that helps to reach humanity, this last one understood as the ideal to which a person should aspire. For Schleiermacher, as we will argue, the center of the ethical life is represented by the capacity of the person to be able to open to the other in order to create a community. This does not mean that the human being must renounce to his/her peculiarity; on the contrary, through the Bildungwhich means formation, a permanent revitalization of the individual and spiritual character of the person, is posible and this should be reflected in the relation that embrace with the others.


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How to Cite

Dobre, C. E. (2018). Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Ethical Personalism: the Bildung and its Importance for the Realization of the Community. Metafísica Y Persona, (20).


