Being and Time in Nietzsche. The Hermeneutic Legacy of Martin Heidegger




metaphysics, nihilism, eternal return, will to power, value


Throughout his life, Martin Heidegger dedicated many works to the philosophical thinking of Nietzsche, setting up a controversial hermeneutics which this paper explores, invoking both its supporters and its opponents. Establishing as a focal point the idea of “eternal return”, often treated in a evasive way by the philosophical community, the ri-gourous and detailed approach of Heidegger to the nietzschean corpus, can explain why all philosophical and contemporary reading of Nietzsche is indebted, in one way or ano-ther, to heideggerian’s hermeneutics.


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Author Biography

Raquel Ferrández Formoso, National Distance Education University

Grado en Filosofía por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Premio extraordinario fin de carrera), Máster en Filosofía teórica y práctica por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia y doctoranda en esta misma universidad.


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How to Cite

Ferrández Formoso, R. (2019). Being and Time in Nietzsche. The Hermeneutic Legacy of Martin Heidegger. Metafísica Y Persona, (22).


