Education for Privacy, Proper Sex Education




sex education, intimacy, love, interiority, education for privacy


The education of sexuality is acquiring a growing interest. Although very varied pers-pectives even opposite want to give a global vision, and perhaps for that reason, there is a clear problematization of sex education. This essay article attempts to answer the question about what is the real scope to address sex education and what should be the thematic axes of such education. In response to the first question, privacy education is proposed, because only at this level can the complexity of human activity that is required to speak properly of education be discovered. The answer to the second question poses a phenome-nology of the different types of love (family, friendship, partners, courtship, consecration, conjugal, labor and humanist) to discover the theme of education for intimacy.


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How to Cite

Orón Semper, J. V. (2020). Education for Privacy, Proper Sex Education. Metafísica Y Persona, (23).


