About the Journal

Proyecta56 is a publication specialising in Industrial Design and Product Development, open to contributions from international scientific and professional communities (e-ISSN: 2340-8391-ISSN: 2386-5415). It is edited by the University of Malaga since September 2023. Until then, it was edited by the University of Cadiz since the year 2021.

This journal accepts manuscripts on a wide range of thematic areas with different strands.

The Proyecta56 team consists of an Editorial board and a scientific board made up of international members from up to 10 countries.

The scientific contents of our journal are reviewed by external reviewers in our database, following a double-blind “Peer Review” process. The scientific content must undergo a review by at least two external reviewers, who will preserve the confidentiality of the manuscript received. Our arbitration procedure can be consulted here.

Please visit our guide for authors before submitting your manuscript for consideration. If you want to be part of our team as an external reviewer, you can register yourself as a reviewer on our OJS platform. We will confirm your incorporation into our database for the following annual call, provided your profile is in line with our journal.

Proyecta56 is published under the Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0. It is an open-access publication that allows the dissemination and use of the content, provided that authorship is specified, it is not used for commercial purposes, and derivative works are not created.


Proyecta56, An Industrial Design Journal is indexed and included in the following repositories:

Our journal is indexed in the ERIHPLUS database (European Reference Index for the Humanities), an index developed by the European Science Foundation, which includes publications that meet certain quality criteria in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. It aims to improve the global visibility of high quality research throughout Europe and to facilitate access to research journals published in all European languages.

DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.

MIAR it t is an information matrix with data from over 100 sources, corresponding to journal directories and international indexing and abstracting databases (citation, multidisciplinary, or specialized). It is created with the purpose of providing useful information for the identification of scientific journals and the analysis of their dissemination.

DIALNET Plus is one of the largest bibliographic portals in the world, whose main purpose is to give greater visibility to Hispanic scientific literature. This portal is focused primarily on the fields of Humanities, Law, and Social Sciences. Dialnet Plus, its advanced version, provides a series of value-added services, offering all the necessary tools to optimize searches and work with available resources.

LATINDEX is a non-profit, freely accessible academic information system specialized in academic journals published in Ibero-America.

DULCINEA is a project aimed at understanding the editorial policies of Spanish journals regarding access to their archives, exploitation rights, and publication licenses, and how these may impact their subsequent self-archiving in institutional or thematic repositories.