Motor commitment depending on the type of support musical dance


  • H G-Molero Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Málaga. Universidad de Málaga Spain
  • O Romero Ramos Departamento de didáctica de las lenguas, las artes y el deporte. Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía-Tech Spain



classical dance, dance accompanist, recorded music, variations, engine, expression, motivation, performance commitment


This research has been developed in the class of classical dance technique Conservatory of Dance, an environment where discipline, rigor and meticulousness coexist with creativity, expression and sensitivity. The main objective of the study is to analyze the methodological, didactic and pedagogical differences, using a methodology of joint research between the given class with recorded music (CD) and class with teacher accompanist dance since the work of the latter continues necessitating despite today's digital media.Two classes in which the only difference was the music stand was analyzed by video recording, observation sheets and questionnaires. significant differences between the two sessions, such as an average of 38 seconds to search for the needed music for each variation with CD versus six seconds recorded in the session with pianist or found greater number of journeys to the sound source by the teacher in the case of CD in addition to motivational aspects, and emotional differentiated and methodological proving more effective and productive use of live music versus recorded music.


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How to Cite

G-Molero, H., & Romero Ramos, O. (2016). Motor commitment depending on the type of support musical dance. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 5(1), 70–94.


