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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Editor's Comments).
  • The shipping file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • The text is single spaced; 12 points of font size;  italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all the illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places of the text, instead of at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and biliographic requirements summarized in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.

  • If submitted to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in ensuring an anonymous evaluation should be followed.

Author Guidelines

Journal of Physical Education and Human Movement publishes manuscripts in Spanish, English or Portuguese that are connected with physical education, physical activity and sports, and its relationship with the areas of Social Sciences, Humanities, Biomedical Sciences and Health ( Section focus and scope of the magazine).

The articles sent to JPEHM must be unpublished and original, not being able to be sent or submitted to evaluation of another journal while it is in the process of evaluation by our magazine. The authors state that they are responsible for the research they have carried out and designed; who have participated in the drafting and revision of the submitted manuscript, who approve its content and that the reported work (if it is about experiments with human beings) has been approved by an appropriate ethics committee and was carried out in accordance with the "Declaration of Helsinki ".

 The drafting of the manuscript will take as a formal reference Manual of Style Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) in its latest edition.


The article must conform to the style (fonts, spacing, margins, etc.) defined in the publication template:

Extension of documents

-Original research work (maximum 16 standard typing pages, including tables, figures, references and summary).

-Review documents or original works commissioned by the Editor (maximum 20 standard typing pages, including documentation).

-Brief communications (maximum 3 standard pages of typing plus a table or figure and up to 5 references).

-Calls to the Editor expressing an opinion on manuscripts previously published or a commentary related to the issues of the journal (maximum 2 standard typed pages)

-News (information about conferences, doctoral thesis summaries and post doc thesis, book reviews, etc.). 

Structure of documents

Documents sent for publication must be edited in the text editor in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format. They should be written in Times New Roman (12 points), with all margins at 2.5 cm, single line spacing, without justification or established indentation.

In the case of original research and studies, it is recommended that the article contemplates, at least, the following sections that will be capitalized, bold and without end point: SUMMARY, KEYWORDS, INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES. 

Other sections may be included whenever it is necessary to include them due to the peculiarities of the work. You can also include at the end of the document and before the REFERENCES the sections "study limitations" and / or "acknowledgments" that will be in lowercase, bold and without end point.

The page of title or first page must contain the title of the article, the names and surnames of the authors with their affiliation, summary and key words. All the articles, regardless of the language used in the main body of the work (Spanish, English or Portuguese) will include the title, summary and keywords in Spanish and English.

Title. It will be representative and as concise as possible. Significant keywords will be used using capital letters, centered text, in black, bold, size 14 points and no more than twelve words.

Author/s. They should appear below the title in Times New Roman (12 points). Name and surname. The authors will be separated by ";" and their occupational or professional affiliation will be indicated by a superscript number. Once the article has been definitively accepted for publication, changes to the authors' data can not be made.

Affiliation of the author/s. Below the authors, in Times New Roman (10 points), the labor or professional affiliation of each author, including city and country of the same. 

Extended Summary. Must have between 300 and 500 words. The abstract should be structured according to the IMRDD format: Introduction, which will include the objective or purpose of the investigation; Methodology, will include the basic procedures (design, selection of samples or cases, methods and techniques of experimentation or observation and analysis); Results, main findings (give specific data and their statistical significance, when appropriate); and Discussion or conclusions.

Keywords. After the summary, 3 to 6 keywords or descriptors should be included. Key words of internationally accepted terms will be used and must be different from those used in the title of the article.

The main body of the article can be divided into: introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, limitations of the study, acknowledgments and references.

Introduction. It must be brief and concise; It should introduce readers to the research problems addressed in the study, as well as justify carrying out the research and specify its objective.

Material and methods. The subject of the study should be described (in the case of human subjects, the data should include their number, age, sex and any other typical characteristic) and methods applied, exposed in a sufficiently exhaustive manner to allow readers to reproduce the experiments or observations . For generally known methods, references should only be given, although they must be provided in detail for new or substantially modified methods.

Results. They must be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables and figures. The data collected in tables and figures should not be repeated in the text, but the most important observations should be summarized.

Discussion. Emphasize new or important aspects of the experimental results and discuss their implications. The results of the own studies should be compared with the findings described in the respective national and international references used by the authors.

Conclusions. They must be indicated in points or in a descriptive way and must be logically connected with the objectives established in the introduction. Declarations and conclusions not derived from own observations should be avoided.

Limitations of the study. This section may indicate the possible difficulties or material or methodological limitations detected in the study and that could serve to improve the reproduction of the study or its results.

Acknowledgment. The persons or institutions that assisted in the preparation of the manuscript or that provided financial support and technical assistance should be listed.

Funding. Authors should list all funding sources in the Acknowledgments section. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their funder designation.

References. Only APA 9th edition standards will be used. It should be restricted only to those cited in the text of the article and directly connected with the subject of the study. The references cited in tables and figures should be included in the literature list. The bibliographical references must be written in the original language of publication.

Figures and tables. They will be numbered consecutively according to the type (figure or table) and inserted in the appropriate place within the body of the text of the article. In addition, the images will be attached in an appropriate resolution in a separate file, in JPG or PNG format.

Measurement units. The International System of Units (SI) will be used in the texts in Spanish / Portuguese and the Anglo-Saxon system of units (English system or imperial system) in texts in the English language.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.