Calisthenics: returning to classic methods of physical conditioning


  • Pablo Subires-Gómez ESTUDIANTE Spain
  • Sanja Starcevic Grand Koliba trainer Slovakia



body weight, fitness, training, sport, calisthenics parks


Considering the current context through which physical activity is mischievous in our society in which it is about imposing a certain type of training method with a more focused objective towards aesthetics due to existing patterns, this article presents both a description and a reflection of a different alternative such as the ancient calisthenics that turns out to be an affordable option for everyone and that, even though it has some disadvantage requires a great diversity of optimal benefits both at a physical and physiological level that are fundamental for good maintenance of health in a globalized environment in which diseases derived from sedentary lifestyle are a constant fact among its inhabitants.


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How to Cite

Subires-Gómez, P., & Starcevic, S. (2021). Calisthenics: returning to classic methods of physical conditioning. Journal of Physical Education and Human Movement, 3(2).