Open Educational Resources in the Teaching and Learning Process: Review of the Literature


  • Marcelo Ramírez Terán Universidad Tecnológica Israel Ecuador
  • Esteban Celi Paredes Universidad Tecnológica Israel Ecuador
  • Iván Lligüín Lligüín Universidad Central del Ecuador Ecuador



Information and communication technologies, open educational resources, education, teaching and learning process


The current context has prompted an unusual interest in the use of information and communication technologies. And within these technological tools, open educational resources stand out. This study asks the following question: how are open educational resources used in the teaching and learning process? The objective is to describe how open educational resources are used in the teaching and learning process. The study is located in the qualitative approach and has a descriptive scope. It is a literature review research with a non-experimental design. The study is based on a sample of articles (n = 12) addressing open educational resources and the teaching and learning process published in the period 2015-2021 and located in three open access digital libraries: Redalyc, SciELO and DOAJ. It was found that open educational resources are used at the basic, middle and higher education levels. In addition, open educational resources such as learning objects, textbooks, videos, virtual environments, software and open courseware are used in the teaching and learning process. It is concluded that open educational resources are considered as means that facilitate the teaching and learning process of various subjects.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Terán, M., Celi Paredes, E., & Lligüín Lligüín, I. (2022). Open Educational Resources in the Teaching and Learning Process: Review of the Literature. International Journal of New Education, (9), 175–187.

