Los reflejos del espionaje internacional en los espías de Pérez-Reverte


  • Emilio Ramón García Universidad Católica de Valencia Spain




Arturo Pérez-Reverte, criminal novel, international spy novels, clandestine, moral ambiguity, false ideals


Arturo Pérez-Reverte has always shown a preference for classic writers to tell stories with a fast pace, precise details and a diversity of intertextual references. For decades, he explored the historical narrative, the adventure novels with a hint of mystery and the war genre. Detached from any hint of idealism or heroic ideals. Even though much has been said about the military and existentialist character of his tired heroes, not much has been explored about his spies, who following the steps of the main authors in the international scenario, went from being amateur detectives to turn into professional agents. The purpose of this essay is to show how Pérez-Reverte follows the legacy of writers such as Robert Ludlum, Len Deighton, Somerset Maugham, Eric Ambler and John Le Carré in order to recover the historical past from a sceptic perspective. In doing so, Pérez-Reverte presents the reader with a skeptical portrait of a recognizable the past which falls into the parameters of the spy novel according to Boltanski, Corcuff, Mandel, Tadié, Magris and Wolfe.


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How to Cite

Ramón García, E. (2022). Los reflejos del espionaje internacional en los espías de Pérez-Reverte. Analecta Malacitana. Revista De La sección De Filología De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 42, 223–241. https://doi.org/10.24310/analecta.v42i1-2.14457