The ethical role of ritual in Confucian philosophy


  • Alberto Wagner Moll Universidad Pontificia de Comillas de Madrid Spain



Confucius, ritual, harmony, secularization, chinese philosophy


Starting from the Analects, the text closest to the original thought of Confucius, and using the other three books of the classical canon of Confucianism, the present work seeks to analyze the importance that rituals, as a paradigmatic formula of social guidelines, have in Confucian philosophy, in relation to his ethical, political and cosmological system. Then, he establishes a semblance of the structure of rituals in Confucian China. Finally, the relationship of the Confucian School with rituals is contrasted with the secularization of today's democracy.


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Author Biography

Alberto Wagner Moll, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas de Madrid

Estudiante de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas


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How to Cite

Wagner Moll, A. (2022). The ethical role of ritual in Confucian philosophy. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 27(2), 131–145.

