Reflections on the use of language during the grieving process


  • Beatriz Tovar Hernández Universidad de Guanajuato Mexico






The grieving process in the face of the loss of a loved one is a complex phenomenon. Various theorizations have been proposed to explain it. To understand them it is necessary to place oneself above the systematic, the logical order pre-established by reason. Failure to do so can simplify the understanding of the experiences of the bereaved, who have lost a loved one. This article proposes to review Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's theory of mourning based on Ludwig Wittgenstein's conception of language. The conjunction thanatology and philosophy will allow a deep understanding of the complexity involved in the pain before the death of someone you love.KEYWORDS: COMPLEXITY, MOURNERS, GRIEF, LANGUAGE.


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How to Cite

Tovar Hernández, B. (2023). Reflections on the use of language during the grieving process. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 28(1), 9–21.

