Failure and limit experience. Methodological naturalism and skeptical crisis in Hume's Treatise


  • Elena Yrigoyen Carpintero Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain



Naturalism, Skepticism, Failure, Hume, Schaeffer


What does it mean "to fail" for a methodological naturalist? Is he doomed to skepticism? And is it a failure? To answer these questions, (1) I analyze what is considered as "naturalism" in Hume, and then (2) I study the skeptical crisis narrated at the conclusion of Book I of the Treatise. I defend that the metaphors used there (which are historically linked to the concept of failure) allow two readings: one that necessarily link methodological naturalism and mitigated skepticism, and another that does not. However, I conclude that in both cases the same limit experience is drawn, allowing non-excepcionalist science and philosophy.


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How to Cite

Yrigoyen Carpintero, E. (2023). Failure and limit experience. Methodological naturalism and skeptical crisis in Hume’s Treatise. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 28(3), 9–23.

