The ontological fracture: objects and qualities in Graham Harman


  • Brais González Arribas Ayudante Doctor. Universidad de Vigo Spain



objects, qualities, fracture, vicarious causality, Harman


This article aims to analyze the foundation on which Graham Harman's ontology is based, the objects, hypothesizing that the key that defines them is their broken or fractured character. In order to understand them in their proper dimension, we will investigate the difference that separates the conception of objects defended by Harman with respect to the way of understanding them in other reference ontologies, correlationism and materialism, mainly, as well as other aspects that are essential to understand harmanian ontology, such as the notions of time, space, essence and eidos, and, finally, vicarious causality.


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How to Cite

González Arribas, B. (2023). The ontological fracture: objects and qualities in Graham Harman. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 28(3), 45–61.

