Experience: Problems and Controversies


  • Miguel Espinoza France




experience, induction, natural science, theory, metaphysics


The concept of experience is rich and appreciative. The way in which its content is described determines a type of philosophy. If one thinks, for instance, that only something material can be the object of experience, one is ontologically materialistic. Recourse to experience is part of the definition of science, and since the scientist elaborates universal laws to explain, the main epistemological issue of the relation between experience and theory is the problem of induction. Empiricist philosophy takes great account of the way in which the empirical sciences draw on experience. Now, since these sciences have become highly theoretical by postulating the existence of unobservables, both the empiricist and the scientist have no other option except to recognise that there is a continuity from experience to theory and from science to metaphysics.


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How to Cite

Espinoza, M. (2024). Experience: Problems and Controversies. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 29(1), 119–129. https://doi.org/10.24310/contrastes.29.1.2024.16414

