The Role of Natural Language in Cognition: an Analysis of Neowhorfi anism


  • Marina Ortega-Andrés Universidad del País Vasco Spain





The thesis that speakers of different languages show cognitive differences has been supported by linguistics, psychologist and philosophers. Many results suggest that there is a correlation between language and thought, but there is not a precise theoretical explanation of how language infl uences cognition. The aim of this paper is to analyze which explanatory mechanisms give an account of the results. First, I will analyze some empirical studies. Second, I will sketch five possible theoretical explanations. I argue for the theory of re-representation.


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How to Cite

Ortega-Andrés, M. (2017). The Role of Natural Language in Cognition: an Analysis of Neowhorfi anism. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 22(1).

