Philosophy of space and theory of action in Gilles Deleuze


  • Rafael E. Mc Namara (UBA – UNLaM) Argentina



Deleuze, space, action, depth, fold


We aim to think a theory of action that is implicit in Deleuze’s philosophy of space. The concept of depth, in which intensity is thought as affirmation of difference, works as an a priori for this theory. Through two texts by Ruyer and Simondon mentioned by Deleuze, affects appear as an expression of that spatial dimension in the subject. Also depth is linked with the temporal synthesis finding, lastly, in the notion of the fold, the right concept to think a subject of action which is an alternative to the substantial I.


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Author Biography

Rafael E. Mc Namara, (UBA – UNLaM)

Rafael Mc Namara es Licenciado en Filosofía (UBA); becario doctoral UBACyT; docente de Filosofía (UNLaM).


Línea de investigación:

Filosofía contemporánea, Ontología del espacio, Gilles Deleuze.



Mc Namara, Rafael: «Del caballero de la fe al devenir-imperceptible: derivas del mito de Abraham entre Kierkegaard y Deleuze». Areté. Revista de filosofía, Vol. 27, nro. 2, ISSN: 1016-913X (v. impresa); 2223-3741 (v. en línea). Segundo semestre 2015. 

Mc Namara, Rafael: «De espectros, memorias y visiones. Aproximación al cine de Jonathan Perel», Revista iberoamericana, volumen 81, número 251, abril-junio 2015, ISSN 2154-4794, pp. 483-502. 



Artigas 295, 1° 12, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 


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How to Cite

Mc Namara, R. E. (2019). Philosophy of space and theory of action in Gilles Deleuze. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 23(2).

