Moral Life and Wisdom in the Evagrius Ponticus’ Thought


  • Santiago Hernán Vázquez CONICET-UNCUYO Argentina



Wisdom, instruction, apátheia, virtues,


The present study is part of the line of research on the thought of Evagrius Ponticus, which has been carried out in recent years. In this framework, the study analizes the significance that the concept of sophía (wisdom) has in the evagrian work. Also the study analyzes what is the relationship that, according to Evagrius, has the wisdom with the moral life. The Ponticus establishes a relationship of connaturality between virtues and wisdom. The ethical exercise  proper to the first stage of spiritual development (practiké) is proposed as a requisite to attain wisdom. In this framework, the concept of apátheia is proposed as the state of the soul capable of reaching wisdom. However, the science of wisdom is always in the Ponticus a divine gift. For this reason, this division in stages cannot and should not be understood restrictively, as if they were watertight compartments.


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How to Cite

Hernán Vázquez, S. (2020). Moral Life and Wisdom in the Evagrius Ponticus’ Thought. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 24(3).

