Religious Self-definition, Mass Attendance, Importance of God, and Hopelessness among Spanish Undergraduates


  • Joaquín García-Alandete Departament of Methodology, Basic Psychology and Social Psychology. Faculty of Psychology and Health Sciences. Catholic University of Valencia Spain
  • Eva Rosa Martínez Departament of Methodology, Basic Psychology and Social Psychology. Faculty of Psychology and Health Sciences. Catholic University of Valencia Spain
  • José Francisco Gallego-Pérez Departament of Personality, Assessment and Treatment. Faculty of Psychology and Health Sciences. Catholic University of Valencia Spain



Religiosity, Hopelessness, Spanish Undergraduates


The aim of this work was to examine the relationship between religious self-definition, attending Mass, the importance of God, and hopelessness under the hy-pothesis that these religious variables and hopelessness are negatively related. The participants were 273 Spanish undergraduates who were incidentally recruited. and who completed three religious items and the Spanish version of a Hopelessness Scale. The Chisquared test and Bonferroni test were used in the statistical analysis. The results indicate that there were no statistically significant differences between the reli-gious self-definition and attending Mass groups in relation to hopelessness, whereas there were differences between groups in the variable importance of God; this is not consistent with the findings of previous studies. We discuss the limitations of the study, offer suggestions for future research, and indicate the need to distinguish between the diverse aspects of religiosity to better explain their implications regarding hopelessness.


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How to Cite

García-Alandete, J., Martínez, E. R., & Gallego-Pérez, J. F. . (2011). Religious Self-definition, Mass Attendance, Importance of God, and Hopelessness among Spanish Undergraduates. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 4(3), 44–49.



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