Facial approach in the field of archeology: case study of an individual of the Els Altimiris deposit (Catalan pre-pyrenees)


  • Marta Medina Palau Laboratorio de Arqueología Medieval de la Universidad de Barcelona Spain




facial approximation, medieval archaeology, anthropology, virtualization, heritage


The aim of this paper is to elaborate a facial approximation in 3D of an adult from the Els Altimiris archaeological site (Sant Esteve de la Sarga, Catalunya), in order to determine which characteristics and facial features presented the society from this area in the Early Middle Ages, as well as demonstrate the potentiality of this technology. A first approximation in virtual archaeology focused in anthropological heritage is presented, by various techniques and 3D design software, which will allow us to recreate the face of the individual studied in a realistic way.


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How to Cite

Medina Palau, M. (2017). Facial approach in the field of archeology: case study of an individual of the Els Altimiris deposit (Catalan pre-pyrenees). Eviterna Journal, (Especial 2), 16–26. https://doi.org/10.24310/Eviternare.v0i0.8405