Terror and bureaucracy: the theater of the Grand Guignol of Paris and censorship






theater, france, terror, burocracy, censorship


The Grand Guignol of Paris was a theater company specialized in representing short
plays, the most recurring genre being that of terror, with works plagued by sadis m,
cruelty and exacerbated violence. From the very beginning, the Grand Guignol had
problems with censorship, in the form of impediments to grant the so called visas or
authorizations that allowed the representation of the different shows. This article
exa mines different cases of censorship to which the Gr and Guignol was submitted, the
way in which they were evaded, the effect it produced on the company's progress, and
the way in which such censorship cases served as a reflection of the socio political
cont ext in the Paris of the time.


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How to Cite

OCAÑA FERNANDEZ, A. (2020). Terror and bureaucracy: the theater of the Grand Guignol of Paris and censorship. Eviterna Journal, (8), 162–180. https://doi.org/10.24310/Eviternare.vi8.9826