“Seek the truth in life and life in the truth”: the religion of Miguel de Unamuno





Philosophy of religion, person, faith, reason, quixotismo, true, life


On December 9, 1907, in La Nación of Buenos Aires, Unamuno published the short essay “My Religion,” in which he attempted to answer the incessant question about his own creed, as well as describe his “spiritual disposition.” Unamuno's response is sober: “Seek the truth in life and life in the truth.” By answering so categorically, he affirms that he was not seeking “but to raise the meaning of such a question better.” In addition to presenting the rest of Unamuno's response, we will elaborate on the relationship between truth and life and its central importance within the phenomenon and religious sentiment that Unamuno intends, at least, to enunciate and distinguish. We will note that, for Unamuno, the theme of “truth and life” transcends philosophy, but also theology, which, in his opinion, is nothing more than a philosophical rationalization of the great mystery that is our existence.


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How to Cite

Ángeles de León, J. M. (2024). “Seek the truth in life and life in the truth”: the religion of Miguel de Unamuno. Metafísica Y Persona, (31), 51–77. https://doi.org/10.24310/metyper.31.2024.17674


