A didactic proposal for the training of interpreters based on complex thinking





During its more than fifty years of existence, the didactics of interpretation has been dominated by structural-functionalist approaches. This results in syllabus based on decontextualized objectives, centralization in cognitive aspects, and suppression of the person. In this article we set out the reasons that have led to design an Interpretation syllabus approached from the perspective of complex thought (Morin 1977, 1990) and constructivism (Piaget 1973; Von Glasersfeld 2011). This project was conceived for undergraduate and master students in the speciality of Interpreting at the universities of Salamanca, Heidelberg and Mainz. This article develops the conceptualization phase on which the theoretical bases were established for the skills to be acquired, as well as situation specific actions and exogenous and endogenous resources required during the learning process.


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Author Biography

Manuel De la Cruz Recio, Universidad de Salamanca

Profesor de Interpretación del Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Salamanca.


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How to Cite

De la Cruz Recio, M. (2019). A didactic proposal for the training of interpreters based on complex thinking. Redit - Revista Electrónica De Didáctica De La Traducción Y La Interpretación, (12), 28–43. https://doi.org/10.24310/REDIT.2018.v0i12.3300