The principle of autonomy of the civil contractual will. Its limits and limitations


  • KATIUSKA HERNÁNDEZ FRAGA Universidad de Cienfuegos Cuba
  • DANAY GUERRA COSME Universidad de Cienfuegos Cuba



autonomy, will, restrictions, limitations, constraints, principles


The autonomy is a basic principle of contract law. The value of this principle is seen in fact seen as a manifestation of freedom of the individual, whose recognition by positive law is imposed, which translates into the possibility of individuals to freely regulate their interests, exercise their rights which are subjective and conclude legal business owners.
However, regardless of being considered one of the most important principles in civil law and specifically in the law of contracts, it is accepted as absolute, as it has restrictions in the law and others arising from the circumstances or of factual situations. These restrictions are manifested in the form of limits and limitations. Today, this principle is in decline, which is due to the restrictions imposed upon it. The current decline of the same contract affects both its formation and produces legal effects and thus impact on legal certainty offered by the contract to the parties involved. Therefore, this article aims to conduct a study on the major legal and social factors to demonstrate the current decline of the principle of autonomy in the regulation of civil contractual obligations. The methods used in the investigation were the historical sense, the analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive method, the legal and theoretical and analytical exegesis.
As a result of the research is intended to unify the variety of approaches and positions that exist in the literature on the subject. Been determined the main limitations and constraints that affect the current decay to the principle of autonomy civil contract, concluding that the main limit what laws are mandatory, while the main limitations are borne by the contracting parties and on the faculty of available to owners of property.


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Author Biographies

KATIUSKA HERNÁNDEZ FRAGA, Universidad de Cienfuegos

Profesora de las asignaturas de Derecho sobre Bienes y Derecho de Contratos



DANAY GUERRA COSME, Universidad de Cienfuegos

Jueza del Tribunal Municipal de Cienfuegos


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How to Cite

HERNÁNDEZ FRAGA, K., & GUERRA COSME, D. (2012). The principle of autonomy of the civil contractual will. Its limits and limitations. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (6), 27–46.


