Effectiveness of the development of self-control through Physical Education
sports, educational intervention program, behavior, attitudesAbstract
This research examined the effects of the Delphi Program on Education in Values through Sport, on self-control behaviors in fifth and sixth graders of Compulsory Primary Education. The exhibition consisted of students from the Agustín Rodríguez Sahagún College of the Autonomous Community of Madrid with an age of between 11 and 13 years old. It was passed in CACIA questionnaire that measures personal self-control across five dimensions. The experimental group was applied the Educational Intervention program in 20 sessions of initiation to futsal, each session was one hour long. Significant results were found in the experimental group, in the dimension personal feedback and criterial self-control. The thought that sports practice itself develops morality and character, which lies in the formation of the origin of modern sport and the Olympic Idearium, is far from evident. This does not mean that the potential for development through sport does not exist, but that for sports practice to have pedagogical achievements, there must be a didactic planning that structures an entire educational strategy, which allows the personal and social development of the discs. That is, psychological and social development can be obtained, through educational proposals such as that presented in this study, as long as teachers or coaches put into play adaptations for the personal and social development of the participants.
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