Effects of body weight on echocardiographic variables in elite Cuban weightlifters


  • Paúl Jhonatan Yar Bolaños Centro Especializado en Medicina del Deporte “Asdrúbal de la Torre Ecuador
  • Josefa Silva Fernández Instituto de Medicina Deportiva, La Habana Cuba
  • Horacio Aquiles González-González Centro Especializado en Medicina del Deporte “Asdrúbal de la Torre Ecuador https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6917-3514
  • Juan Fernando Hidrobo-Coello Centro Especializado en Medicina del Deporte “Asdrúbal de la Torre Ecuador https://orcid.org/0009-0009-6223-9272
  • Danny Bryan Oyagata-Túquerre Centro Especializado en Medicina del Deporte “Asdrúbal de la Torre Ecuador https://orcid.org/0009-0008-2989-7081
  • Hector Lizandro Yar-Bolaños Clínica de los Riñones Menydial Tulcan Ecuador
  • Raydel Pérez Castillo Centro de Investigación del Deporte Cubano Cuba




heart ventricles, body surface area, echocardiography, athletes, body weight, health status


The effect of body weight on the echocardiographic variables of elite Cuban weightlifters was examined. They displayed significant variations in left ventricular end-diastolic diameter, left ventricular posterior wall thickness in diastole, and septal wall thickness in diastole, among others, in relation to their body weight. Left ventricular mass, stroke volume, and cardiac output were also influenced by body weight, although these differences were mitigated when adjusted for body surface area. Most weightlifters maintained an h/r index within the functional anaerobic range, and left ventricular geometry was primarily concentric remodeling or normal. These findings emphasize the significance of body weight in echocardiographic measurements, with clinical implications and implications for medical monitoring. Cardiovascular adaptation appeared to be healthy and suitable for the demands of weightlifting training.


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How to Cite

Yar Bolaños, P. J., Silva Fernández, J., González-González, H. A., Hidrobo-Coello, J. F., Oyagata-Túquerre, D. B., Yar-Bolaños, H. L., & Pérez Castillo, R. (2024). Effects of body weight on echocardiographic variables in elite Cuban weightlifters. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 13(1), 187–205. https://doi.org/10.24310/riccafd.13.1.2024.17815




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