Rhythmic Gymnastics: benefits of educational practice in elementary school students





physical education, elementary education, gymnastic sports, basic motor skills


Rhythmic gymnastics can be a good medium for the development of physical literacy. The aim of this study was to identify the initial and final perception and knowledge of primary school students about the physical, social, cognitive and affective benefits of rhythmic gymnastics as an educational resource. For this purpose, 25 participants of 5th grade of Primary Education completed an ad hoc questionnaire, which was administered before starting to develop motor practices based on rhythmic gymnastics, and at the end of them. The results showed that more students were aware of the benefits after the practical experience. It is shown that the students have been able to reflect and become aware of the change of beliefs and previous knowledge after their participation and experience in the physical-sports activities of rhythmic gymnastics.


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How to Cite

Inglés Martos, M. J., Quiñonero, A. L., & Cifo Izquierdo, M. I. (2023). RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS: BENEFITS OF EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS: Rhythmic Gymnastics: benefits of educational practice in elementary school students. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 12(3), 124–139. https://doi.org/10.24310/riccafd.12.3.2023.17891


