


social networks, physical activity, information and communication technologies, synchronous, asynchronous.


The study addressed the issue of how to encourage young people's adherence to intense physical activity through strategies implemented on social networks. The objective was to analyze the improvement in the adherence of 75 students aged 10 to 14 through extracurricular activities developed synchronously and asynchronously using social networks. The statistical analysis assessed key variables of the study before and after the intervention in Experimental Groups 1 (synchronous) and 2 (asynchronous), as well as in the control group. Statistical tests were used to examine differences between groups and compare pre and post-intervention means. The results revealed significant improvements, especially in the group with synchronous intervention, demonstrating a decrease in BMI, body fat percentage, and improvements in muscular strength, highlighting an increase in physical performance. In summary, the successful implementation of digital strategies, especially on social networks, had a positive impact on promoting physical activity in young people. The importance of considering participants' perceptions and preferences to optimize the influence of social networks on improving physical activity habits is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Adasme, A., del Arco Bravo, I., & Mercadé Melé, P. (2024). USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS TO IMPROVE ADHERENCE TOWARDS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN STUDENTS AGED 10 TO 14 IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL IN ARICA, CHILE. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 13(1), 50–67.


