Spinoza and Hegel: on the Sense of Reality


  • Luciano Espinosa Universidad de Salamanca Spain




Spinoza and Hegel seem to be two of the most rationalistic in the history of philosophy, but it is not so much in the Dutch one. It is very important to reflect about some keys of his thought: a) there is not any isomorphism between being and thinking (or nature and reason); b) the indetermination of God-Nature is deliberated and it is impossible to attribute any kind of sense and meaning to the absolute; c) the foundations of reason are the «common notions», that belong to a physic model of thinking.


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How to Cite

Espinosa, L. (2018). Spinoza and Hegel: on the Sense of Reality. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 4, 137–152. Retrieved from https://www.revistas.uma.es/index.php/shegel/article/view/11384