Comparative Analysis of He Said Yes/ He Said No, by Bertolt Brecht and Dogville, by Lars Von Trier.

Breaking of the Aristotelian Precepts and Eastern Theatre Influence


  • María Hernández Rodríguez Universidad de Valladolid Spain



Dogville, Brecht, Eastern theatre, impossible worlds, metalepsis, characters place, actors place


In this article, we have studied the common literary elements that He said yes/ He said no, play written by Bertolt Brecht and the film Dogville, by the director Lars von Trier have with the Eastern theatre. Baring that purpose in mind, we have done a comparative study of these two works considering aspects such as mimesis, the breaking of classical unities (unity of place, above all), generic hybridism and the possible metalepsis in these artistic creations. Moreover, taking this elements into account, we have analyzed the common features with Eastern theatre.


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How to Cite

Hernández Rodríguez, M. “Comparative Analysis of He Said Yes/ He Said No, by Bertolt Brecht and Dogville, by Lars Von Trier.: Breaking of the Aristotelian Precepts and Eastern Theatre Influence”. Trasvases Entre La Literatura Y El Cine, no. 4, Oct. 2022, pp. 89-116, doi:10.24310/Trasvasestlc.vi4.12358.



Filmic-literary dialogues between East and West (coord. by Alex Pinar)
