Nuestra Señora de París, de Victor Hugo: su influencia sobre la percepción del teatro medieval en el cine


  • Angélica García-Manso a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:59:"Grupo de Investigación MUSAEXI. Universidad de Extremadura";} Spain
  • Francisco Javier Tovar Paz Universidad de Extremadura Spain



Theatre in Cinema, Mediaeval Theater, Scenographies, Victor Hugo, Modern Imaginaries


Four film adaptations of Victor Hugo's Notre Dame de Paris (1831) are analysed as iconographies of the imaginary of medieval theatre in contemporary times. Although each of the versions has unique motifs (such as the transfer of the festival to the night, the scenographic “mettre en abyme”, the guignolesque plasticity, and the cartoons), the theatrical topic is established by the entablature in the centre of the square and the transfer of the figures of medieval “moralité”, as conceived by Hugo, to the streets. In the background, a reading in the key of political rebellion of the theatrical phenomenon is proposed and not only on the religious and aristocratic society denounced in the novel.


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How to Cite

García-Manso, A., and F. J. Tovar Paz. “Nuestra Señora De París, De Victor Hugo: Su Influencia Sobre La percepción Del Teatro Medieval En El Cine”. Trasvases Entre La Literatura Y El Cine, no. 4, Oct. 2022, pp. 117-36, doi:10.24310/Trasvasestlc.vi4.13441.


