Analysis of temporary artistic exhibitions in the autonomous community of Catalonia. 2010-2015


  • Beatriz Parejo Ramos Universidad de Málaga Spain



Temporary art exhibitions, Digital Art History, Digital Humanities, Cataluña, data- driven analysis, network analysis


This work falls within the Digital Humanities’ research projects. An introduction to this field is given in the first part of the work, along with a general glimpse to the computational- based studies in the Humanities and particularly in Art History. Afterward, the Exhibitium Project, developed at the University of Málaga, is explained. According to its objectives, a data repository about art exhibitions held in Spain from 2010 to 2015 has been built within the framework of this project. This is the data repository that I have used in my research, which has focused on the analysis of the art exhibitions held in the Cataluña region. Diverse data-driven analysis techniques, such as network analysis of clustering process have been applied. The results obtained have allow me to respond certain questions, which, in turn, have make possible to describe the art exhibition scenario of this region on the basis of specific features.



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How to Cite

Parejo Ramos, B. (2017). Analysis of temporary artistic exhibitions in the autonomous community of Catalonia. 2010-2015. Eviterna Journal, (Especial 2), 27–42.