Jean Painlevé as the reference to develop a surrealist nature documentarie




Nature documentaries, Jean Painlevé, surrealism, science popularization, cinema history, nature narratives


Jean Painlevé (1902-1989) was a nature documentarie director close to cinema movements, such as surrealism or nouvelle vague, and to science, mostly biology. This paper introduces Painlevé and his ouvre in Spanish and proposes that he is the main reference from a surrealist movement within nature documenteries’ History.  To achieve this, the study presents an updated Spanish state of the art and a brief biography centered on his relation to cinema movements. Furthermore, using Painlevé’s figure as a cornerstone, it studies different European authors. Research shows how the surrealist aesthetic in nature documentaries is not spontaneous, but an evolution. This aesthetic is called “surrealist nature documentaries” and is addressed through three main techniques: microcinematography, time alterations and use of laboratories for recording.


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Author Biography

Ignacio Martínez Armas, Independiente

Ignacio Martínez Armas, magister en Escritura Creativa por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, es un investigador especializado en la historia del género documental de naturaleza, con especial interés por su relación con la vanguardia. Actualmente ejerce como investigador en Irlanda para la organización medioambiental Good Energies Alliance Ireland. Ha participado en los congresos internacionales 13º Seminario de Antecedentes y Orígenes del Cine y en el Congreso Hermes de Comunicación. Ha publicado en la revista de Documentación de las ciencias de la Información y Ala Este. Revista de literatura comparada, ambas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Martínez Armas, I. (2023). Jean Painlevé as the reference to develop a surrealist nature documentarie. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (27), 145–168.