For the argentine paths. A course through the political - militant cinema of Raymundo Gleyzer


  • Charo López Marsano Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Argentina



Third Cinema, political-militant cinema, Raymundo Gleyzer, missing, Cine de la Base


Raymundo Gleyzer, an Argentine filmmaker who disappeared in May 1976, left a vast production that combines documentary with fiction. Crossed by the precepts of Cinema Novo, he proclaimed that "to make movies, you only need a camera in hand and an idea in the head". As alma mater of the Cine de la Base, he shared with his colleagues at Cine Liberación the idea of the cinema as a tool for counter-information. More pragmatic than intellectual, he left few writings on his reflections on the third cinema or the construction of a new language. However, on the occasion of the presentation of his film Los Traidores, during the IX Pesaro International Film Festival of New Cinema in 1973, he sets out his position on the effectiveness of Latin American revolutionary cinema. Not only did he highlight some common features preached by the militant cinema, but he also emphasized the importance of videotape as a tool for the diffusion of films in the Latin American context. Also, in defending his decision to appeal to classical fiction to tell his story, he put in the eye of the storm the debate on the cinematographic language within European political cinema.


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Author Biography

Charo López Marsano, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina


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How to Cite

López Marsano, C. (2018). For the argentine paths. A course through the political - militant cinema of Raymundo Gleyzer. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (17), 79–97.



a) Revolución e intervención: ¿una praxis del contrapoder?